Bachelor of Arts in Leadership & Management

The programme is designed to tap into the wealth of life experience to develop flexibility, new learning, and resourcefulness in handling organizational management. It helps the student learn how to …

The programme is designed to tap into the wealth of life experience to develop flexibility, new learning, and resourcefulness in handling organizational management. It helps the student learn how to reflect on the experience, articulate the principles and concepts gained, and as appropriate make generalizations that can be applied in the future.

Students Profile Graduates of this course are able to:

  1. Provide transformative leadership skills in the areas of focus.
  2. Design and implement relevant policies, strategies, and systems in their areas of specialization.
  3. Provide consultancy services in their areas of specialization.
  4. Mobilize resources & initiate projects.
  5. Provide leadership for the sustainability of an organization


  • KCSE C+ or a diploma inrelated studies or at least two years of professional training with two years’ work experience.


  • Human Resource Management
  • International Relations
  • Public Administration
  • Public Relations
  • Business finance

Target audiences

  • Public