MBA in Social Entrepreneurship & Sustainability

Mode of Learning

Blended: Online and face to face

Fee Structure

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Mode of Learning

Blended: Online and face to face

Fee Structure

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Course Overview

The MBA programme is designed to train social entrepreneurs to design and implement sustainable social business models that solve the most pressing social problems of our time through a positive transformative impact. It is a unique interdisciplinary program that combines philosophical, ethical and practical learning in social entrepreneurship implementing a contemporary business curriculum in response to the prevailing social problems. The social areas of focus are: Green Economy & Renewable Energy; Healthcare; Education and Training; Agri-Business; ICT & Mobile Technology and Business Services. Our unique mode of delivery includes boot camps, business coaching and Mentorship to provide support for business model testing, action research, development of actual business plans & linking learners to the business community.

Curriculum Roadmap

Common Courses

  • TUCC 6001: Graduate Academic Skills
  • MBAC 621B: Leadership and Innovation
  • MBAC 624B: Financial Accounting

Core Courses

  • MBAC 611B: Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship
  • MBAC 612B: Social Business Modelling
  • MBAC 613B: Social Entrepreneurial Ethics and Spirituality
  • MBAC 622B: Entrepreneurial Marketing and Analysis
  • MBAC 623B: Strategic Human Resource Management
  • MBAC 631B: Advanced Business Strategy
  • MBAC 632B: Business Research Methods
  • MBAC 633B: Business Statistics

Workshop Courses

  • MBAW 652: Social Impact Assessment
  • MBAW 651: Business Planning and Communication
  • MBAW 653: Project Proposal Writing

Green Economy Specialization

  • MBAG 641: Theory and Practice in Green Jobs Creation
  • MBAG 642: Economics and Sustainability in Green Enterprises
  • MBAG 643: Management of Green Enterprises
  • MBAG 644: Green Growth and Sustainable Development

Health Care Specialization

  • MBAH 641: Legal Aspects of Health Care Delivery
  • MBAH 642: Innovations and Contemporary Issues in Biotech and Health Care Solutions
  • MBAH 643: Health Informatics
  • MBAH 644: Structure and Organization of Health Care Systems

Education and Training Specialization

  • MBAE 641: Technological Education
  • MBAE 642: Transformative Learning for Social Change
  • MBAE 643: Sustainability in Schools
  • MBAE 644: Transformative and Ethical Leadership in Schools

Agri-Business Specialization

  • MBAA 641: Crop Production and Field Crops Management
  • MBAA 642: Animal Husbandry
  • MBAA 643: Agribusiness Value Chains
  • MBAA 644: Local and International Markets for Agribusiness

ICT and Mobile Technology Specialization

  • MBAI 641: Talent Management for ICT and Mobile Technology
  • MBAI 642: Scaling Revenue and Operations of ICT and Mobile Enterprises
  • MBAI 643: Growth Modelling and Optimization for ICT and Mobile Enterprises
  • MBAI 644: IP Rights Management Seminar for ICT and Mobile enterprises

Business Services Specialization

  • MBAB 641: Standard and Quality Management
  • MBAB 642: Business Service Innovation
  • MBAB 643: Talent Management in Business Services
  • MBAB 644: TQM in Business Services

Research Proposal & Thesis

  • MBAR 661: Proposal and Thesis Writing

Course Requirements

Be a holder of a Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of upper second-class honors or its equivalent from a recognized university.

Key Competencies

  • Imparts skills in business model innovation.
  • Helps the individual transform a business idea into a concrete business.
  • Guides and develops skills necessary to scale an existing business with a high social impact.
  • Develop robust strategy for business success.

Student Course Reflection

The MBA Programme is designed for active and aspiring entrepreneurs and social innovators. The course units and activities are carefully selected so as to ensure that entrepreneurs develop skills in innovation, management, strategy, sales, marketing and other critical aspects of business in the 21st century.

Rispah Kariuki CEO, Rutuba Bio-Agric

The MBA program has changed my mindset and approach to problem solving. Prior to this, I had attended other entrepreneurship trainings but none was as relevant and structured as this MBA. It's helped me define my social impact, bringing me so much satisfaction as I built a profitable business. I would recommend this MBA to anyone who is looking for a practical approach to incubate an idea to a successful business or to add value to their existing organizations.

Paul Gitahi Student

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