Leadership: Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

The Tangaza University Board of Trustees serves as the pinnacle authority governing the university’s overarching, academic, and financial directives. Entrusted with the University’s fiscal well-being, trustees operate in a fiduciary capacity, wielding institutional influence for its prosperity.

Central to their duties is the selection of the University’s council, sanctioning pivotal alterations to academic frameworks, and shaping policies pertinent to faculty recruitment, tenure, and advancement.

In vigilance over the university’s fiscal vitality, trustees oversee financial affairs, ensuring the efficacy of policies and protocols governing assets, investments, and infrastructure. Integral to this oversight is the endorsement of the annual budget, encompassing tuition and fees. Augmenting their fiduciary obligations through established bylaws, the Board of Trustees collaborates closely with the University council, who spearheads the daily operations of the university.

  • Dr. Edward Odundo Chairman
  • Sr. Jane Wakahiu LSOSF
  • Very Rev. Fr. Francis Mbugua Kanyiri OFM Conventual
  • Very Rev. Fr. Arnold Shirima OFM Capuchin
  • Ms. Mary Wamalwa Trustee (TUT)
  • Very Rev. Fr. Edwin Mugwe CM
  • Bro. Raphael Wanjala Wanyonyi CFX Xaverian Brothers
  • Bishop, Rt. Rev. Simon Peter Kamomoe Trustee (TUT)