University Management Board

“Cultivating a vibrant learning environment!”

At Tangaza University, effective management is the linchpin of organizational success, ensuring the seamless operation of academic and administrative functions. Led by a dedicated team of seasoned professionals, the university’s management structure is designed to foster collaboration, innovation, and student-centered excellence.

At the helm of university management sits the Executive Leadership Team, comprised of key administrators who oversee strategic planning, resource allocation, and operational efficiency. Drawing upon their diverse expertise, they steer Tangaza University towards its overarching goals while upholding its core values of integrity, inclusivity, and academic rigor.

Departmental managers play a vital role in translating strategic objectives into actionable plans within their respective areas, whether it’s academic departments, student services, or facilities management. They are tasked with nurturing talent, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and ensuring the delivery of high-quality services that meet the needs of students, faculty, and staff.

Central to effective university management is a commitment to transparency, accountability, and stakeholder engagement. Regular communication channels are established to facilitate dialogue between management, faculty, students, and the broader community, fostering a sense of shared purpose and collaboration.

Through proactive leadership, innovative problem-solving, and a relentless dedication to excellence, Tangaza University’s management team endeavors to cultivate a vibrant learning environment where students can thrive, faculty can excel, and the community can prosper.

University Management Board

Rev. Prof. Patrick Mwania, CSSp
Vice Chancellor
Rev. Dr. Leo Simon I. Mwenda OP
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance and Administration
Ms. Grace Muchugia
Chief Registrar
Ms. Mercy Kibe
Human Resource and Administration Manager
Rev. Dr. Lennoxie Lusabe
University Secretary and Legal Officer
Jacqueline Omusi
Chief Accountant
Rev. Dr. Jonas Yawovi Dzinekou
Representative of University Directors
Br. Prof. Paulos Wesmer
Representative of University Deans
Rev. Dr. Jude Chisanga
Dean School of Theology
Fr. Fredrick Mukabana
Chair, Formation Council

Deans of Schools and Student Life

Dr. Beatrice W. Churu
Dean School of Social Arts and Sciences
Br. Prof. Paulos Wesmer
Dean School of Education
Rev. Dr. Jude Chisanga
Dean School of Theology
Rev. Dr.Tony Amissah, SVD
Dean of Student Life

Directors of Institutes and Departments

Sr. Alice Anzoyo
Director Center for Leadership and Management
Rev. Dominic Mutuku
Director Institute of Social Communication
Rev. Dr. Jonas Yawovi Dzinekou
Director Institute for Social Transformation
Rev. Dr. Ekpada T. Patrick
Director Institute of Spirituality and Religious Formation
Rev. Dr. Henry Tucholski
Director Institute of Youth Studies
Rev. Dr. Felix Phiri
Director of the Institute for Interreligious Dialogue and Islamic Studies (IRDIS)
Dr. Daniel Kitonga
Director Postgraduate Studies & Research
Rev. Dr. Munguci Dennis Etriga
Director Institute of Philosophy
Dr. Andrew Lujuo
Director Strategic Planning
Rev. Maganya Innocent, M.Afr
Director Institutional Advancement & Development
Ms. Ndinda
Chief Librarian
Brian Mutea
Internal Auditor

Heads of Departments

Dr. Anne Gachiri
Head of Communications
Ednah Nyatogo Awiti
Cafeteria Manager
Michael Kamau
Head of Procurement
Sr. Syprose Adhiambo
Hostel Manager